Direct entry studies in Lithuania: Review of organisational aspects
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Lithuanian Midwives Union, Lithuania
Kauno kolegija Higer Education Institution, Kaunas, Lithuania
Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Republican Šiauliai County Hospital, Šiauliai, Lithuania
Publication date: 2023-10-24
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A224
Midwifery studies in Lithuania are the oldest one in higher education institutions. Direct entry midwifery studies in Lithuania include the education and training of individuals who wish to become midwives without prior nursing qualifications. Organizational issues surrounding these direct entry programs are essential to ensure effective midwifery education and training. The main organizational issues related to direct entry midwifery studies in Lithuania are: Regulatory framework: One of the key organizational issues is the need for a clear and comprehensive regulatory framework. This framework defines the qualifications, curriculum, and accreditation requirements for direct entry midwifery programs, as well as the licensing and certification process for graduates. Curriculum Development: It is very important to have a well-structured curriculum. Organizers define the core subjects, practical training and clinical experience needed to develop competent midwives. Curriculum development must meet international best practices and standards. Faculty and Staff: Recruitment and retention of qualified faculty and staff are vital to the success of direct entry midwifery programs. The faculty teachers and lecturers have experience in midwifery and can effectively teach the necessary skills and knowledge. Clinical placements: Organizing clinical internship placements is a major challenge. Students need practical experience in hospitals, clinics and other healthcare settings. It is very important to coordinate these places and ensure that students have access to a variety of cases. Each semester students can choose their preferable hospital to have an internship. Financial Support: Funding for direct entry study program is essential. This includes not only supporting students with scholarships or financial aid, but also ensuring that educational institutions have the necessary resources to maintain high-quality facilities and equipment. Thus, every year in Lithuania is preparing new material base, simulation classes for students practical learning outside the hospital words. Accreditation and quality assurance. Ensuring the quality of direct entry midwifery programs is essential. Accreditation processes are in place to allow for regular evaluation and monitoring of programs. These processes focus on learning outcomes and graduate competence. In Lithuanian midwifery study program are accepted and evaluated with the high-quality rate for seven years. Relationships with health care providers and non-governmental organizations: It is very important to establish and maintain strong relationships with health care providers and non-governmental organizations. These include hospitals, clinics, and birth centers where students gain hands-on experience. Partnerships with health care facilities help ensure that students receive a well-rounded education. Regarding the Midwifery EU regulation there is seek for students to take care of forty birth during all study years. Admission and Selection Criteria: In order to select candidates who have the aptitude and commitment to succeed in the field, it is established clear admission criteria for midwifery programs. All students who are trying to seek midwifery studies must have significantly higher than the national average score for admission to higher education institutions. Student Support Services: Providing academic and emotional support services to students can help them succeed academically. Midwifery programs include mechanisms for mentorship, counseling and academic support. Continuing education and professional development. It is very important to provide opportunities for graduates to continue their education and professional development. Midwifery is an evolving field and midwives keep up with the latest research and practice. After finishing studies midwives can seek for higher education in Master and later in PhD studies in Lithuanian and foreign countries. It can be said that direct midwifery programs in Lithuania face several organizational challenges. Addressing these issues is critical to ensuring that students receive a high-quality education, that midwives are well prepared to serve their communities, and that the profession maintains high standards of care. Effective collaboration between educational institutions, regulators and healthcare providers is critical to addressing these challenges.
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