Midwives Moving On (MiMO) - An international network in midwifery; forming a strategic partnership in midwifery education & research
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Midwifery Department, School of Health Sciences, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Midwifery Department, KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Antwerp, Belgium
Midwifery Department, Henallux, University College of Namur, Namur, Belgium
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Angeliki Antonakou   

Midwifery Department, School of Health Sciences, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A216
The aim of this workshop is to inform midwives working in the education sector across Europe about our network that supports partnerships among different institutes in Europe and in Australia. This network allows midwifery students to visit for 2 weeks in autumn and 2 weeks in the spring semester different university and hospital settings among the alliance members. At the same time midwifery educators have the chance to work alongside with colleagues from different countries and to promote common educational standards and values to their students. Finally, collaboration for research protocols is supported among the participating institutes. The COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) project will also be presented. Midwifery Schools in Belgium, Estonia, Australia, and Greece have participated in this project offering a 10-week online course to their students. This course creates a collaborative online learning environment to promote the development of intercultural competence across shared mutual learning environments. It is specifically designed to link midwifery students who have different cultural and geographical perspectives and experiences. During these weeks the students from two different countries work together as a group, with their lecturers’ support, and gain a greater understanding of the role of the midwife internationally and how these impacts on respectful maternity care. At the end of this course, students need to prepare and present their assignment on an everyday clinical midwifery issue i.e breastfeeding or birth positions, in both their countries using the principles of respectful maternity care. The educational objectives of this workshop consist of familiarizing with an educational network among European and Australian midwifery universities that promotes cultural responsiveness and team working for both educators and students. There will be discussions about enhancing these collaborations among midwifery schools to promote the implementation of the ICM Standards for Midwifery Education (2021) to more midwifery schools around the world.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
There is no funding for this research.
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