Why publish with us

Why publish your article in the European Journal of Midwifery?
High Visibility
Our published articles have over 199.000 full text views during 2017-2021, and more than 38.000 pdf downloads. In 2021 alone, there were >75.000 sessions in our website, >99.000 full text views and >16.700 pdf downloads!

European journal with a global focus
The journal warmly welcomes submissions from across the globe, as the scope of the journal is to support, promote and disseminate research involving midwifery education, clinical practice and the academic development of midwifery.

It’s an Open Access journal – you retain copyright
Once accepted and typeset all articles are free to download by all readers without any subscription. Articles published in open access journals are cited more frequently than those in non-open access journals. Furthermore, all articles are published under the Creative Commons licenses and hence authors retain ownership and copyright of their work (please find detailed information on licensing in the Open Access tab).

Fast and vigourous Peer Review - 62% rejection rate in 2021
We work closely with editors and peer reviewers to provide authors with an efficient, fair, and constructive review process. We offer an easy online submission and peer review process for this purpose. The average time from the date of submission to the first decision is 4 weeks, while the decision for an article to be sent to peer reviewers or desk rejected is usually made in 72 hours. In 2021, the European Journal of Midwifery has a rejection rate of 62% - hence ensuring that only articles of merit are published in the journal.

European Publishing, is a member of Crossref. This citation-linking network covers more than 74 million journal articles, as well as many other content items from a variety of publishers globally. Through Crossref, all articles published in the European Journal of Midwifery will receive a unique Digital Object Identification Number (DOI), that will allow them to be cited by other articles.

Automated publishing platform
High quality copy-editing and type-setting guarantee you the best production process. The PDF version of each article is published in a certain format designed to achieve the very best look. EJM uses an advanced, custom-designed, IT publishing platform for publishing. Each submitted manuscript undergoes the review process and if accepted, a fast track copy editing process.

For all of these reasons and more, the European Journal of Midwifery is an excellent journal in which to publish your best papers in the field of midwifery.

Looking forward to receiving your submissions!

The editorial office
European Journal of Midwifery
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